IAP and Spring 2021 workshop

January 4-16, 2021 at MIT Innovation Node in Hong Kong

Highlight Video of January Workshop

From January 4-16, 2021, the studio brought students from universities in Hong Kong and students from MIT together for an intensive design charrette to learn about the issues facing the Kowloon East neighborhood. Despite the challenges of Covid-19 that prevented travel and more intensive site visits,students from across the globe came together to learn and to imagine future possibilities for one of Hong Kong’s most dense neighborhoods.

They learned from experts in Hong Kong’s history and planning, as well as “domain experts” on digital technologies from industry from Hong Kong and Boston.

Students from Hong Kong and MIT were paired together in teams to develop an idea over the course of the 12 days, culminating in a review hosted (with social distancing) at the MIT Innovation Node in Hong Kong and students from elsewhere attending virtually.  

Workshop Photos

Final Review

Full Final Review Video: